Saturday, May 23, 2015

Dark Lord Contest #2 Part 3 of 3

(Sorry for the delay.  Life happened:)

Two members of the rioting crowd at the dueling arena asked to duel.  Who am I to refuse any excuse for unwarranted acts of violence?
The two were magicians, but not ones I knew, nor did I learn their names.  I don't particularily care for evil sorcerers, because you can't trust them.  So I called them the old one and the young one.

Let the battle begin!

The old guy barely moves.  The young guy doesn't stop moving.

Cool flip.  Grandpa on the left apparently  has arthritis.  What kind of a sorceror can't cure his own arthritis?  He's a fake old has-been with no skillz whatsoever.

He lands.  The old guy still has barely moved.

He moves his cane.  Geez, what a loser.

Wait, an axe?

This suddenly got interesting.

 Their weapons are locked.

The old guy broke the other guy's staff.  Go, old guy.  Forget that thing about the arthritis!

The old guy wins.

He really hasn't moved all that much.  He did break the dueling bridge.  The Goblin King'll be mad.  Who cares?  I can defeat him any day, I am unstoppable, MUHAHAHAHA! 

So the whole fight was over some dagger.  The old geezer got it.  

At this point, I left the whole scene.  My work here is done. Now I must go and conquer the world. GOODBYE! MUHAHAHAHA!!!

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Dark Lord Contest #2 Part 2 of 3

So I took two of the rioters and had them fight. I placed bets on the European one, Cormac Mclaggan.  His opponent was Dieuveil Banka.  Both were mercenaries.

Cormac swings

Banka strikes back.

The two parry.

Cormac drops his sword and tackles Banka, grabbing his sword.
Cormac has the sword!
But Banka rolls around and beheads him. Darn him!
He lost me 400 credits!
 I was wrong.  So I had the winner executed.  They shouldn't have been rioting anyway, it's against the rules.  This seemed to disappoint the crowd, who began plotting villainy.  This was natural, since they were villains. Suddenly, two members of the crowd broke off and demanded permission to duel...  (cliffhanger time)

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Dark Lord Contest #2 Part 1 of 3

Hey guys, Kalaxir here.  Check out some of my bio info, which has been updated here.
I got bored after catching a cold, so I decided to sponsor another Dark Lord contest.  What can I say?  I'm busy taking over the world, so I thought I'd start by taking over this blog.  Gorrell brothers, you can't stop me! Do your worst!  I'm prepared for you!

Anyway. I rented a place from the Goblin King, assembled an audience, and prepared the fight.
The book is the prize.  I hate literature, except for Edith Wharton.

Anubis, Savages,Gangsters,Orcs, Ghosts  Snowtroopers,Ninjas, Outlaws, Nazis, and Huns

There are always two contestants.  This time, it was Ghazi, lord of the Ghazar cavalry, a personal friend whom "volunteered" after somehow destroying one of my many outposts during a battle that got out of hand.

The other contestant was Sir Droghelda, who had annoyed me by fighting against Ghazi in that particular battle. I was not amused by his shroud of penance.

Let the battle begin!

The battle begins.
Ghazi is a bit of a martial arts expert as well as a master swordsman.  
However, Droghelda is also a skilled fighter.

The first blow is struck!

They're not fighting very well.

Ghazi misjudged that landing.

But he recovers! Excellent move.  Both men drop their maces and duel.

Ghazi goes in for the killing stroke.

Deathstroke! Ghazi wins!
To the victor go the spoils.

But, the audience wanted more, and began rioting for more.  So, I took two of the rioters...(cliffhanger time)